Saturday, September 10, 2005

Tea Tree Oil - Safety Alert - Parrot Articles

Tea Tree Oil - Safety Alert - Parrot Articles:
Tea Tree Oil - Safety Alert
by Marilu Anderson, Bird Nutrition and Behavior Consultant
Phone: (503) 771-BIRD

I'm obviously a big fan of alternative health care, herbal therapies, and natural remedies - for both myself and my birds. I started learning about these things some 25 years ago, living in the San Francisco Bay Area and visiting herbalists, reflexologists, iridologists, and various natural health practitioners. So, when my birds need treatment, I generally look first to alternative treatments. Fortunately, I also check first to ensure the safety for birds of whatever I'm considering using. It's important to remember that just because something is 'natural', that doesn't always mean it's 100% safe or appropriate for birds.

Recent case in point - Valentino, my lovebird, had an 'owie' on his back, very raw skin spot - and I needed to clean and treat it. Usually I use Aloe Vera and/or Cayenne tincture, but I had just been given a bottle of Tea Tree Oil for a skin ailment of my own, so thought it might be good for 'Tino. THANK GOD I checked out it's safety for birds FIRST before applying it to my little guy.

Upon research, I found that Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca Oil) is similar in structure and action to turpentine. Often used for its antibacterial and antifungal properties in both humans and animals, it can cause toxicity if ingested. We all know anything put on our bird's skin can, and will, be ingested to some degree during preening. It can also be absorbed through the skin, causing systemic toxicity.

There are reports of deaths in birds from poisoning from Tea Tree Oil, as well as some who were able to be saved by immediate emergency treatment. Although many cases occurred from using overly high dosages, one case involved only one drop of oil applied to a bleeding blood feather. So, I decided NOT to treat my lovebird's skin injury with Tea Tree Oil. Use your own judgment, but keep this tox