Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Bean (glad I won't be home), Veggie & Fruit Mix

I'll have to rate this one later because I haven't made it yet. But here's the deal. I bought a huge bag of organic beans. There are about 13 types of beans in the package. I'd love to eat that for myself in a nice vegetable based soup, but fine! The bird gets everything. I know.
  • 13-bean mix (organic)
  • brown rice
  • vegetables and fruits
  • chili peppers or whatever hot stuff your bird likes most
Okay, here's the trick with the beans. You have to rinse them off, then let them sit in water for 6 hours (overnight). When ya get up, rinse them again, then start boling those beans! They're going to take about 3 hours depending on the variety you get. Or if you're smart, you'll soak the beans before you go to work so you can make them when you get home!

I personally would do the brown rice separately, but I'm sure you can toss it in during the last hour or so. If you used white rice, it would be a last 20-minutes endeavour

Take care of the mixed vegetables and fruits while this other stuff is in the last 10 minutes or so. Whether you're just leaving the veggies fresh, or heating up mixed veggies. My bird tends to like cooked veggies more, but we'll see.

Once you're all done with the beans, rice, veggies and fruits: If your parrot hates pellets like mine does, throw a few into the finished mixture and pray they don't notice. Little bit of revenge for the fact that they make you slave away and cook for them.


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